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About Us

Nichols Through the Years


Nichols United Methodist Church was founded in 1848 by a group of residents led by Grandison Nichols who sought the spiritual renewal they found lacking in other local churches. Nichols United Methodist is named for the community of Nichols, the first section of the town of Trumbull to be settled.  This move created a place in Trumbull for worship, drawing congregants away from Stratford and establishing their religious home in Trumbull.

The Ladies Aid Society raised much of the money to construct the original building through dinners, fairs and other events. A second larger sanctuary, known as "The Green Church,” was built in 1904 to accommodate the growing congregation.


The current sanctuary was completed in 1962, and the education building was built in 1980. Twenty-first century upgrades have included a unique organ which utilizes computerized technology to fill our sanctuary with hymns and carols both old and new. Recording devices for streaming church services online were an essential component of continuing worship during the COVID-19 pandemic and continue to be a preferred way for some to observe Sunday services.  


For more information on our church's history borrow a copy of "A Church of Their Own," by Steven Otfinoski (1998). The book was written in honor of the church's 150th anniversary and copies are available in the Church Library.  

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